Very early Sunday morning, Emma Kate woke up feeling very hot to me. So I went into the bathroom and took her temp. It was about 100 degrees. I figured she was teething, and wasn't too worried about it. So I fed her, gave her some Tylenol and then put her back to bed. The fever persisted all day, so I kept giving her Tylenol and gave her a lukewarm bath later in the afternoon. She seemed happy as she normally is, maybe a touch more tired, though. Yesterday morning, she woke up and was hot again... all day! Because she's teething, I wasn't really concerned until her fever spiked after her nap. It was up to 103! That got me a little worried, so I called her pedi's office, and they said it was probably just a fever virus. She isn't having any other symptoms. (No runny nose. No cough. She's happy. She's eating fine.) But her fever persisted all day. When she woke up again feeling hot this morning, I decided to take her in to see her pediatrician.
It actually worked out perfectly, because I already had an appointment scheduled for Anna Brooke to see the doctor, so took both girls at the same time. Dr. Stone examined her--ears, eyes and throat look clear. The nurse came back in and got a urine sample and drew blood from her arm. Emma Kate screamed during this entire ordeal! Anna Brooke was the best big sister and kept saying, "Ssshhh! It's going to be okay, Emma Kate. It's okay." (Just precious! I wish I had been able to record that somehow.)
Dr. Stone said the white cell count in her blood looked fine, it wasn't elevated at all and her urine sample didn't show any signs of an infection. So, what is going on? We have no idea. It is a mystery. Most likely it is just a virus that is pretty common for any child to get. I am glad that Dr. Stone took a look at her blood, though. Potentially, she could have bacteria in her blood, which is a sign that there is an infection in the lining of her heart or on a heart valve. Apparently, this is not the case. The pediatrician's office is going to keep an eye on the blood culture to see if it "grows anything." And they'll call if it does. I am probably making this sound a lot more complicated than it really is. Basically, right now we are just waiting. Waiting for the fever to go away and waiting for the blood culture. (Dr. Stone predicted it wouldn't grow anything based on her other symptoms.) If her fever lasts for 2 more days or she gets worse, I'm supposed to take her back in.
I think EK will be fine. In fact, she just woke up from her nap and she doesn't feel hot. And its been awhile since she's had any Tylenol. That won't stop me from saying my prayers, though.