Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cardiology Visit

Emma Kate had a visit with her cardiologist today. She sees him every three months and has an ECHO done every six. This visit was an ECHO visit, which means the last time she had one done she was 16 months old. I remember she cried and screamed a lot during that one, so I prepared myself to expect the same thing for today's appointment. 

Boy, was I surprised! Emma Kate did absolutely wonderful during the EKG! She helped put the "stickers" on her chest and played really sweetly with the Wiggles guitar they usually use to distract her. I'm pretty sure they got a perfectly clear reading of her heart activity. Her sats were between 87 and 89! She was weighed at 20 pounds, 1 ounce.


After her EKG, we had a short visit with Dr. Cardis and then it was time for her ECHO. Again, I had prepared myself for a lot of wiggling and crying. But Emma Kate was perfect! I was very pleasantly surprised! The technician commented several times about how great she was doing and how she was able to get such clear pictures. My sweet big girl!

After her ECHO was finished, Dr. Cardis took a look at the pictures and told us that every part of her heart looked great! He went into a lot of detail about each part of her unique heart and said that she is one of the best cases that he follows! That news made Brooks and I tear up a little bit. I was a little nervous before this visit, only because I'm always prepared for hard news. And knowing that she is almost two (and lots of HLHS kids have the Fontan around this age), we wanted to be mentally prepared. However, we were told that potentially she could hold off on having her Fontan done for at least one to two more years, depending on her heart function, energy level and oxygen sats! Praise the Lord! We are so thankful for this news!

At the end of our visit, Emma Kate kept saying, "Doctor. 'Point-ment. Doctor Caw-dis. See you soon. 'Morrow." Ah, she makes me smile. I love that kid and I could not be happier with how today went.


  1. Marie PhotographieJune 24, 2010 at 2:06 AM

    So crazy that you just posted because I was just thinking about you. I'm so glad EK's appointment went so well!

  2. Such wonderful news!!! A couple more years~ that's awesome. How great to hear him say she is such a good case. You go Emma Kate!! :)

  3. That is so great to hear. She is so beautiful. Your blog was one of the first ones I found when looking for more kids with HLHS. So glad she is doing well, she gives us more hope than you know!
    Congrats on her staying still too, that is very hard for a(almost)two year old!

    Colin's Mommy

  4. That's my girl! I'm so proud of Emma Kate and thankful to God for His answers to prayer! Love you all!

  5. I can't believe how big she is. And how long her hair is. She looks just like you Bethany. I'm so glad to read this. The miracle continues. And a new one is about to begin. Didn't we both JUST do this?

  6. She is so beautiful!! I'm praying that God continues to work and bless... :)


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