Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy 4 Month Birthday, Emma Kate!

Emma Kate turned 4 months old yesterday! I can hardly believe it! (I know I say this every month). I love this age. I took her to see the doctor yesterday for her 4 month check up. Everything looks great and Dr. Stone is very pleased! Emma Kate is 11 pounds, 1/2 ounce. She's 23 inches long. She's tiny, in the 10th percentile for both, but that is ok. She has always been a tiny girl. Her progress is just fine.
She is starting to look a bit more blue than she ever has. Her pulse/ox reading was averaging about 68% yesterday and that had me a bit worried. (FYI: pulse/ox reader indirectly measures the amount of oxygen in the blood. People with "normal" hearts would probably have a reading of 99 or 100). Emma Kate's average readings have been anywhere from 75 to 85. I called the cardio. office just to double check that she was within normal range. The nurse told me that she should be just fine, but she is telling us that it is time for her Glenn. We are still waiting to hear from Dr. Kirshbom's office about when her second surgery will be. All the cath information was sent over to Atlanta last Saturday, so it has only been one week. We are very anxious, though!

Emma Kate,

You are so very sweet! I am so glad that we've had the last 4 months to get to know you and love you! Your personality is starting to really show. You can sleep through anything still and you are picky about very few things. You are still eating well and we are so proud of you. You eat about 2 or 3 ounces every 2 to 3 hours. You are enjoying the bottle. You had a heart cath last week and you rebounded from that like a little champ! I was so afraid that you wouldn't get your sweet, smiling personality back, but you did after only a day! I know that was so hard on you, sweetie. We are still waiting to hear when your next surgery date will be.

One of your favorite things is your sister. If she is in the same room as you, you cannot stop staring at her. She is all over the place and you follow her around the room with your eyes constantly! We can tell you love her. Anna Brooke loves you, too! She is always talking to you and saying sweet things to you. You also love to look in the mirror, especially at yourself! You laugh and giggle like crazy when you see that cute little girl in the mirror! It is a precious thing to watch. You also love sitting up in your Bumbo chair. You are getting so strong. You're holding your head up really well and you're doing great on your tummy. You prefer sleeping on your left side at night. Your cheeks are so CHUBBY!  We love to kiss them! :)

Some other things you are doing at 4 months old: you laugh and giggle a lot! (You're very ticklish, too). You are grabbing toys with your hands and you love to kick your little legs and push your feet against things. You scoot around your crib or on the floor when we put you down. You also chew on your hands a lot and you're drooling quite a bit.

We love you, Emma Katie. You continue to be such a blessing to our family!



  1. Bethany, she is SOOOO cute!!! Still praying for ya'll and so glad to see that she is doing well. Precious little thing!!!

  2. Bethany,

    Thanks for your comment on Grant's blog! It has taken me a while to get back to you..sorry! your little Emma Kate is darling and it is so great to see another family just a little bit ahead of us in the journey. Please feel free to keep checking in on us and leaving your thoughts and advice as we go into this journey!

    Alli and Kyle Hicken


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