Thursday, August 14, 2008


I had my 38 week check-up today! I waited for forever in the waiting room and finally saw Dr. Ramsey about 2 hours after I got there. In he walked and the first thing he said was, "So, have we talked about a date yet?" I was kind of confused because it was my understanding that they didn't want to induce. I said, "What? I thought you guys didn't want to do that?" He stated that since I will be 39 weeks on Sunday, they would feel safe inducing at that time and would like to go ahead and get the ball rolling with Emma Kate. My guess is that they want to have some control over the situation as far as when she is born.

He asked me how Thursday of next week was for induction (it was fine) but then changed his mind to Tuesday the 19th of August. They would like to have her born on a weekday in order to transport her to Atlanta during the week as well. So, right now our plans are to go in to University Hospital on Tuesday morning at 8am and get ready to have Emma Kate! I was in labor with Anna Brooke for right around 12 hours after being induced. So my guess is that it might be 12 hours or less with EK! After she's born, she will go up to RNICU, get examined by Dr. Colvin (cardiologist), Dr. Carlo (NICU doctor) and whoever else needs to examine her. Then they will administer the prostoglandin. Once she is stabilized (maybe a day or two later? not sure yet), she'll be transported to CHOA/Egleston for surgery.

I've got a lot to get done tomorrow and this weekend, because TUESDAY will be here before we know it! I am so thankful that we have a timeline kind of nailed-down. Its such a relief, actually! I was a little disappointed that I will not be able to go into labor (again) on my own, but after thinking about it, I feel that this is a great option! My mom is coming down on Monday to be with Anna Brooke while we go to the hospital. Please pray that she does well without us for a few nights, especially at first. I hope she gets used to it, at least for a couple of weeks. We want Brooks to go with EK immediately after birth up to NICU, and stay with her as much as possible. My sweet cousin, Marti is coming up to stay with me in the hospital (just in case Brooks spends all night with EK) for a night or maybe two. Thanks Marti! I love you! :)

Thank you everyone who has been praying and continues to pray for us and Emma Kate! Especially remember us on Tuesday and all of next week! We will update as much and as often as possible. I don't know how much updating I will get a chance to do before then (or if there will really be anything to update about!)


  1. Jeff and I are coming up Tuesday morning, so we will be there all day with you guys. As soon as Emma Kate is transferred to Atlanta, we will be in Atlanta. We are praying for you. I'm so glad the move was two weeks ago and you are settled! We love you!

  2. Praying for ya'll, Bethany! I know ya'll can't wait to meet that sweet baby girl! You, Brooks, and the girls will ALL be in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. Bethany,

    We will be praying for you guys! I was so worried that Kennedy would not adjust to our being gone, but to my surprise she had so much fun with grandparents that it didn't phase her that I was gone! And she usually is so attached to me! I am praying that Anna Brooke will adjust well! God has His hand in all of this. I believe in the reasons for all we go through. Your strength is amazing and you guys are such an example to others. I am praying that as the days ahead of you unfold that you find that strength and joy in the gift you have been given. Babies are such a gift! May God bless your new little family!

    Katie, Greg, Kennedy and Whit

  4. WOW! How exciting! I'll continue praying!

  5. Exciting!!! Please let us know if there is anything I can do for yall! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers over the next few weeks! We've traveled this road and our heart goes out to you!!! My God get the glory! Praying for yall, especially EK!!!

  6. I am so glad you feel more at peace about everything. The Lord has Emma Kate's days already planned out and numbered, like when she'll be born, how it all will play out. He is totally in control. You will do wonderfully again during this labor! Lord-willing, you may even surprisingly go into labor on your own by or before never know, He could orchestrate that for you! And if not, then it wasn't HIS best. We trust Him that whatever happens is HIS best for you and Emma Kate!!

    He will keep in perfect peace her whose mind is stayed on Him because she trusts in Him! (Isaiah 26:3)

    Please, if there is some way we can help once ya'll are in Atlanta, let me know. If Anna Brooke needs a friend to play with, I would love to come up with the girls and see you/help you!! Just call me or let me know somehow. Love you all and will keep praying!!


  7. Hi Bethany,

    I will be thinking about you all on Tuesday and all next week ( Im also going to see me cardiologist that day ).

    Hope you can also try to enjooy this weekend whit Anna Brooke.

    Best regards

  8. Can;t wait to meet Emma Kate! We probably won't be able to make it to B-ham, but we'll be heading to Atlanta for sure! We'll be praying for you guys. I'm so relieved that you guys know have a date. How very exciting!! Everything will be wonderful, and we'll see all FOUR of you soon :)
    We love you!!

  9. Wow, next Tuesday! Good luck! I hope everything goes perfectly. And just like everyone else, I'll be thinking about and praying for you guys. :)

  10. i am so excited for you! i can't wait for you to meet your daughter face to face! i am praying and i know everything will be good. it is in HIS hands!

  11. Brooks and Bethany -

    You and all of yours - especially Emma kate - are on the prayer list of every person I could think of to tell. I will be thinking of both of you tomorrow, and praying hard. I am so excited for both of you that she is finally making her debut!

    Tina B.

  12. I am thinking of yall tonight- and will be especially thinking of yall tomorrow! And as I've said before, let us know if we can do anything for you! I pray that there will be no anxiousness about the days to come, I pray that you'll be able to rest in the peace and protection of our Father and take it all in! Find joy in the days to come! We're lifting you, Brooks, Anna Brooke, and Emma Kate up!!! Keep us updated!

  13. Thinking of you all today and hoping for an easy, smooth, happy delivery and for all sorts of positive heart goodness.

  14. Just wanted to leave a comment to let any visitors know that Brooks is trying to keep his blog updated today as Bethany and Emma Kate progress along. Just click on the link on Bethany's blog to the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made blog by Brooks to get updates throughout the day!
    -Kristy (Brooks' sister)

  15. Bethany and Brooks, we are praying for you and know that God will hold you through this. We can't wait to see pictures of Emma Kate!! Love
    John David, Stacey, Emily and Ian


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