Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Pictures From Today

Snoozing away at 6 am before we took her back to the room to get her ready.

In her little hospital gown.

She was such a happy girl this morning!

The nurse even put a little tag on her Baby Tad.
So sweet!
This is when we got to see her after surgery around 1 pm. Not too swollen! :) Brooks and I stayed for a bit, Kiki & Lito saw her, and then we decided to go back to the Ronald McDonald House and take a nap while she was still sedated. I called a couple of minutes ago and they haven't extubated her yet; she is still pretty much out. The nurse said she had opened her eyes a couple of times. They will most likely extubate later tonight or in the morning. Thank you for your continuing prayers.


  1. Bethany- she looks great! Thanks for the update!

  2. We were so glad that we could be there today and got to kiss that little angel before her surgery. God is so good!

    We Love you all!

  3. I can't deny that the last picture really breaks my heart. Such a sweet angel Emma Kate is, and such a strong baby she is becoming! God truly is proving to all of us that strength can come to us only through Him, as our size doesn't determine how much we can withstand. Many many hugs and kisses to Ms. Emma Kate, tonight.

  4. She is so beautiful!! So glad she is doing well. Continuing to pray for that sweet girl and her sweet mommy, daddy, and sister!! Love ya'll!

  5. Looking forward to more wonderful updates. Precious little girl. I'm so sorry we couldn't be up there with you guys this time, but we were thinking and praying for you all day. We can't wait to see Emma Kate again. I'm praying that the next few days go smoothly. We love you all!

  6. OH Bethany, you really have the cutest most beautiful baby girl ever! She is so strong. I love you and am praying for your whole family.

  7. I'm so glad that it's over and she's doing well. we miss you guys, but are thinking of you and praying for you beth. We wish we could be there. CAn't wait to see you when you get back! Love you so much!


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