Monday, July 8, 2013


Just a quick update tonight since I really need to get to bed. And I'm sorry for the late post. Here's a few highlights from the day.

Emma Kate's pre-op went very well today. She is such a champ! 
-We met Dr. Alsoufi, her surgeon, today and went over all of the plans for tomorrow. 
-She is the first case of the day, which means we have to be at the hospital at 6 am. 
-Labs were the hardest. I hate that she was in pain when they drew blood--four vials in all. But it was over really quickly. 
-She did great for her echo, as usual.
-X-rays went well. She was so excited that she could see her bones and teeth! 
-The best part of the day for her was playing with "Charlie," a doll that she could play doctor with. She took his temperature, and measured his blood pressure. She got to see the bandaid on his chest and chest tube. Of course, she made sure to give Charlie plenty of shots. Cause you know, you get to do that when you're a 4-year-old doctor. 
-On a more serious note, playing with Charlie was super helpful for her. One of the child life specialists brought Charlie in with a medical play kit (your typical doctor play kit with a few added things that are specific to what she will be using). This is used to familiarize her with things such as an IV and pulse oximeter that she isn't used to. I absolutely adore the child life aspect of the pre-op process. I'm so thankful we are at a place that utilizes this program. 
-I gave Emma Kate a bath after dinner and she watched an episode of Good Luck Charlie before laying down for bed. She had a tough time falling asleep. I think she was a little over tired and I'm sure she's a bit scared and confused about everything going on. 

Please continue to pray for Emma Kate tomorrow. The surgery will begin around 7:30 am and last for about 5 hours. I'll try and update as much as I possibly can during the surgery. We will get updates every 90 minutes or so from the OR. 

Thank you all for your outpouring of love and support! We can feel all of the prayers being sent our way!

EK and Charlie 

 Having her echo done while she watches TV

This is a poster I saw in the hallway at the hospital today. Pretty awesome! 

 This is how we FaceTime!

Dinner at Mellow Mushroom  

Snuggles with Daddy before bed last night


  1. Good luck tomorrow! We will send a special prayer to heaven for your family and Emma Kate's team! Life post Fontan is truly wonderful and I hope that soon enough this is all a memory. Hugs to you all tonight!


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