Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Farewell, Dear Friend

Anna Brooke said good-bye to a very fond friend two nights ago: her pacifier. Her paci has always been there for her in good time and in bad, but the time has come for her to let it go. I had been prepping Anna Brooke for this for a long time, but was unsure of how to handle the permanent separation between her and this comfort object! I had a few ideas, but one I thought she would really respond to was the "Paci Fairy" (sister of the Tooth Fairy). That now that she is a big girl (and a big sister) she will have to let the Paci Fairy take her paci. The idea worked great! It took her a while to fall asleep that first night but she had a surprise waiting for her the next morning that she was looking forward to. Anna Brooke has only asked for the paci once or twice since then, and I reminded her that the Paci Fairy had to take it since she was a big girl. She seems okay with that and has done great without it!
Her final paci.

Putting the paci in an envelope for the Paci Fairy to pick up.

Leaving the envelope outside the front door....
... and opening it the next morning to find her surprise!

All her goodies: A little Einsteins movie, and some "birthday cakes" along with a note from the Paci Fairy.


Designed with love by BDD